01 June 2009


I am not very good at keeping up with blogging either it seems...

since last time I posted, I got pregnant and had a baby....welcome to the world baby Keegan.

Big brother Simon and Mum and Dad are adjusting well to the new addition...he is an absolute dream, sleeps well, eats wells and has a wonderful calm, mellow disposition....

...here's hoping it lasts for the next 20 years!

07 May 2008

My first attempt at blogging!

So here goes....my first attempt at blogging. Why blog? Not only because everyone else is doing it...hahaha...but because I would like to try to keep my dear friends and family who don't live close up-to-date on our lives.

The past two years have been a whirlwind of moving (Brooklyn to Massachusetts to London to Rhode Island and then back to Mass) and I can't seem to keep track of my keys, never mind trying keeping in touch with everyone. And that is not to mention my computer fiasco (third hard drive that has died on my PowerMac....what is up Apple???).

So anyway, in the next couple of days/weeks I will be updating this blog with different things that we have done or are doing (and of course there will be lots of pictures!).